IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
6-8 November 2017 – Berlin, Germany

Best Paper and Best Demo Awards

IEEE NFV-SDN 2017 and is happy to announce that the 2017 Best Paper and Best Demo awards go to:
Best Paper:
“Inter-AS Traffic Engineering with SDN”Krishna P. Kadiyala, Jorge A. Cobb (The University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
Best Demo:
“NFV-based network protection: the SHIELD approach”
Antonio Lioy (Politecnico di Torino, Italy); Georgio Gardikis (Space Hellas S.A., Greece); Bernat Gastón (Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya, Spain); Ludovic Jacquin (Hewlett Packard Labs & Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Great Britain), Marco De Benedictis (Politecnico di Torino, Italy), Ioannis Angelopoulos (National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSRD), Greece), Christos Xylouris (Orion Innovations PC, Greece)

Student Travel Grants

IEEE NFV-SDN 2017 and its proud sponsors are happy to announce that the following students were awarded Student Travel Grant each worth of 500USD:
– The Ericsson Student Travel Grant was awarded to:
o Gianluca Davoli (University of Bologna)
o Tejas Subramanya (FBK CREATE-NET)
– The Intel Student Travel Grant was awarded to:
o Ankit Gangwal (University of Padova, Italy)
– The Fujitsu Student Travel Grant was awarded to:
o Veronica Quintuna-Rodriguez (Orange Labs, France)
– The IEEE ComSoc Student Travel Grant was awarded to:
o Akanksha Patel (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
o Priyanka Naik (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)

Conference App Available

This year IEEE NFV-SDN is using the conference app “Conference4me”. Please download it from Apple’s App Store for iOS and and from Google Play for Android. After downloading, please select “IEEE NFV-SDN 2017” in the app to get access to the conference schedule.

Important Information for Speakers

Speakers doing their presentation in the rooms “Auditorium” and “Spektrum” are required to bring their presentations on USB drives that are formatted for Windows. The presentation will be done by dedicated presentation laptop/computer.

Hotel and Venue Information Updated and Online

The  IEEE NFV-SDN Conference will take place in the heart of Berlin at the Fraunhofer Forum Berlin.
More information about the venue location and hotel are available at the HOTEL/TRAVEL page.


The 3rd IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software Defined Networking (IEEE NFV-SDN 2017) will be held this year as part of the Berlin 5G Week at  Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, Germany on November 6-8, 2017. 

In addition to the latest NFV and SDN concepts and mechanisms, the 2017 IEEE NFV-SDN conference will focus on first operational results related to virtualized networks functions (VNFs) as well as designing, describing, orchestrating, and managing new applications made of VNFs which smarten networks and their usage.

We looking forward to see you in Berlin.

Kurt Tutschku

(General Chair 2017 IEEE NFV-SDN and on behalf of the OC)



2017 Patrons

  • Diamond

  • Diamond

  • Diamond

  • Platinum

  • Sponsor

  • Technical Co-Sponsor